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Traditional Berom Attire and other groups in Plateau

I really love that in Plateau state, they really make an effort to showcase a lot of the ethnic groups there.

When it came time to talk about traditional attire, they had many ethnic groups’ attire on display and showed me each one.

The Berom people wear a green and maroon cloth. The green in the cloth stands for the Cacti and its significance in their culture. While the maroon stands for a local powder called tee. They rub tee on their forehead for protection and also rub it on their bodies for pain relief.

Berom people also wear jewellery of the same colours as part of their traditional attire.

I asked my guide if Berom people had a particular style they wore and she said they didn’t. Everyone makes whatever style they want but the cloth is the important part. In the past, the Berom people just tied the cloth around their bodies but now they sew tops and bottoms.

On day 2, my guide told me a bit about the Berom cultural dance. She didn’t actually get around to sending me that video 😂 so I just remembered to remind her about that.

The Tarok people’s attire was not in the video but they are one of the most popular groups in Plateau and I find their leopard print attire quite fascinating. So I thought I should add it to this post.


Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I am a writer and illustrator from Lagos, Nigeria.


In 2015, I started a company called IheartLagos with the aim of showcasing Lagos culture in a unique and fun way.


That journey took me down an exciting path, discovering and learning so much about Nigeria.

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